Saturday, July 24, 2010

July Photos

Queen Anne's Lace

Corn tasselling

Thanks, bees

8 Ball zukes

Golden Crookneck

Sunset, with flowers

Two of our CSA baskets

Red Thumb Fingerlings

Sugarbaby melons coming in

Royal Burgundy bush beans

Potato trio

Limas and Cherokee Wax bush beans

The garden

Close up of CSA basket, with cukes, zukes, herbs and more

A row of squash


Country morning

Friday, July 2, 2010


We've been fighting the aphids and the flea beetles and the caterpillars, but so far we're winning. We've started our fall transplants in the greenhouse, and are getting ready to till the fall plots in the garden and finish up the flower beds around the cabin. We appreciate our CSA folks who understand where we're at, and we look forward to hitting the markets by month's end.

We've been finding arrow heads and scrapers in the dirt as we've dug and furrowed our rows, which is an amazing thing. To hold an artifact from the Cherokee who roamed these mountains so long ago...the mind reels with the history, the tragedy, all of it contained in a small, carefully crafted piece of stone buried for all these years until we dug it up...

On the art front, we've got our paintings and photos coming along and we'll post some pix soon.

Enjoy these new photos of the crops as they grow...

black eyed peas

sweet corn

moon and stars melons

lemon cukes

ronde de nice zucchini

black eyed susans in the pasture

green zebra tomatoes

the pasture with rainbow slice